Malazan series grows to 22 (twenty-two) books + novellas

Meaning the Malazan Book of the Fallen series written mainly by Steven Erikson and then his friend, Ian Cameron Esslemont.

– The 10 books of the main series written by Erikson, with the ninth out in September 09.
– Two more future trilogies, also by Erikson, one working like a prequel, the other like a sequel.
– The two books already out by Esslemont, Night of Knives and Return of the Crimson Guard.

The recent announce is about Esslemont’s agent signing a deal for four more books, with the first of the four to come out in 2010.

What are these new books about? Considering the old rumors, the next one will be titled “Stonewielder” and will deal with the Korel campaigns. Meaning Malazan empire stuff that probably fits in the middle of the main series.

The next one should be a book about Darujhistan revisited, but nothing more than this is known. Especially because it was all planned before Erikson wrote the eighth book also set in that same city.

This leaves out two more books. One should be about one continent, Assail, that was left almost in the dark in the main series. The other is supposed to be an epilogue to the main series.

So: 10 of the main series + 3 prequel trilogy + 3 sequel trilogy + 2 Esslemont books already out + 4 of the new book deal = 22 books total.

To add Erikson’s novellas, that are the best thing he ever wrote up to the point where I am at reading.

Well, this alone deserves the title of EPIC. Especially because I think the quality is superb. This is becoming a hobby on its own.

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